


第2区-专员克里斯topher Constance


出生地: 纽约

  • B.A.,约翰霍普金斯大学(1979 - 1983)
  • M.D., Stony Brook University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine (1983 – 1987)
  • General Surgery Residency, Nassau University Hospital, 纽约 (1987 – 1992)
  • Plastic Surgery Fellowship, Pennsylvania State University (1992 – 1994)
  • Certified 县委员会er, 佛罗里达州县协会, 2013
  • Advanced Certified 县委员会er, 佛罗里达州县协会, 2014
  • County Leadership Institute Certification, 全国县协会, 2016

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon – Private practice in Charlotte County, 1994 - Present

  • 全国县协会
  • 佛罗里达州县协会
  • 小县联盟
  • Reelected as Vice Chairman of the Board of 县委员会ers, 2022, 2023
  • 再次当选为县委员委员会成员,2022年
  • Reelected as Vice Chairman of the Board of 县委员会ers, 2020, 2021
  • Elected as Vice Chairman of the Board of 县委员会ers, 2019
  • 2018年再次当选为县委员委员会成员
  • Reelected as Vice Chairman of the Board of 县委员会ers, 2015
  • Elected as Vice Chairman of the Board of 县委员会ers, 2014
  • 2014年再次当选为县委员委员会成员
  • Reelected as Chairman of the Board of 县委员会ers, 2012
  • Elected as Chairman of the Board of 县委员会ers, 2011
  • 2010年当选为县委员委员会成员
  • 佛罗里达州县协会, Past President, 2018 - 2019
  • 佛罗里达州县协会, Board of Directors, 2012 – Present
  • 佛罗里达州县协会, Executive Committee, 2015 – Present
  • 全国县协会, Chair, Information Technology Standing Committee, 2018 – 2019
  • 全国县协会, Vice-Chair, Health Steering Committee, 2018 – Present
  • 全国县协会, Vice-Chair, Membership Standing Committee, 2018 – Present
  • 全国县协会, Member, Healthy Counties Initiative Advisory Board, 2018 – Present
  • 全国县协会, Health Steering Committee, 2016 – Present
  • 佛罗里达海湾财团副主席- 2019年
  • Florida Gulf Consortium, Executive Committee, 2016 – Present
  • 佛罗里达海湾联盟,2012年至今
  • Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority, 1st Alternate, 2017 - Present
  • 西海岸内河通航区,联络处,2018 - 2019
  • 城市规划组织成员,2011年至今
  • 都市规划组织主席,2011年8 -至今
  • 建造业监察委员会
  • 海洋咨询委员会,联络,2018年至今
  • 候补委员, Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, 2014 – Present
  • 候补委员, Tourist Development Council, 2016 – Present
  • 候补委员, 16县联盟生态系统峰会
  • 候补委员, Coastal and Heartland National Estuary Partnership
  • 候补委员, 公共安全 Coordinating Council, 2014 - Present
  • 候补委员, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Advisory Board
  • 候补委员, Southwest Florida Workforce Development Board
  • 候补委员, 佛罗里达西南地区峰会
  • 财务委员会候补委员
  • 价值调整委员会候补成员
  • 机场管理局候补委员
  • 泳滩及海岸谘询委员会候补委员
  • 欧博体育官网退伍军人委员会候补成员
  • 历史咨询委员会候补委员
  • 候补委员, Southwest Regional Planning Council, 2014 - 2016
  • 夏洛特港环境中心候补成员
  • 候补委员, Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program Technical Advisory Committee
  • Charlotte County Supervisor of Elections Canvassing Board, Pres. 2012年、2016年和2018年的初选、初选和大选
  • West Coast Inland Navigation District, 候补委员, 2010 - 2018
  • 佛罗里达州县协会主席,2017 - 2018年
  • Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority, Chairman, 2016 – 2017
  • Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority, 2012 – 2017
  • 2012 - 2017年,城市规划组织主席
  • 旅游发展局主席,2014 - 2016年
  • 旅游发展局委员,2012 - 2016年
  • 佛罗里达州县协会, 公共安全 Committee, Vice-Chairman, 2014 - 2015
  • 西南佛罗里达区域规划委员会,2012 - 2014年
  • Florida Medical Association, Credentials and Rules Committee, Chairman, 2016
  • Florida Medical Association, Medical Economics Reference Committee, Chairman, 2015
  • Florida Medical Association, Legislation Reference Committee, Member, 2014
  • 佛罗里达医学协会代表,2011年至今
  • 佛罗里达整形外科学会会长,2017年
  • Florida Society of Plastic Surgeons, Board of Directors, 2013 - Present
  • 佛罗里达整形外科学会会员,2007年至今
  • American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, Member, 2018 -至今
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Member, 1999 - Present
  • 美国外科医师学会
  • 欧博体育官网医学协会主席,2012年和2017年
  • Charlotte County Medical Society, Board Member, 2008 -至今
  • 蓬塔戈尔达商会
  • 欧博体育官网商会
  • Bayfront Health Port Charlotte – Chief of Surgery (2000 - 2001)
  • Bayfront Health Port Charlotte – Active Medical Staff, 1995 – Present
  • Bayfront Health Punta Gorda – Chief of Surgery (2000 - 2001 and 2016 - 2017)
  • Bayfront Health Punta Gorda – Active Medical Staff, 1994 – Present
  • Charlotte Regional Medical Center, Board of Trustees, Member (2006 – 2012)
  • Charlotte Regional Medical Center, President Medical Staff (2008 - 2010)
  • DeSoto Memorial Hospital, Active Medical Staff, 2008 – Present
  • Fawcett Memorial Hospital, Active Medical Staff, 1995 – Present
  • Charlotte County Republican Executive Committee, Assistant Treasurer (2008 - 2014)
  • 美国拳击
  • 佛罗里达州县协会, Presidential Advocacy Award, 2014 - 2018
  • American Board of Plastic Surgery, Board Certified, 1999, Recertified, 2008 - 2019 
  • America’s Top Doctor Award, Castle Connolly, 2009 - Present
  • 佛罗里达州医疗执照
  • 纽约医疗执照(无效)
  • 宾夕法尼亚州医疗执照(无效)
  • 佛罗里达州立拳击

电邮专员克里斯托弗·康斯坦斯: 克里斯.Constance@CharlotteCountyFL.政府 或联络他的助理: Assistant@CharlotteCountyFL.政府 


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